La Costa Norte. Santander a Gijón.
Unas vacaciones en bicicleta autoguiadas, explorando la costa Cántabra y Asturiana, sus paisajes, sus playas y sus pueblos costeros.
Desde 1,032 € por persona
Detalles ...
Dura:7 noches, 8 días
Fechas:Abril a 31 Octubre
Empieza:Cualquier día
Distancias más largas y terreno montañoso, con tal vez cuatro ascensos por día.
Superficie:Carreteritas: 85%. Carril bici: 10%. Caminos: 5%.
Promedio diario distancia / subida:43 km / 631 m.
Desde Santander a Gijón, siguiendo el Camino del Norte, estas vacaciones ofrecen un clima estival suave.
- Rutas ciclistas por carreteritas de la costa con espectaculares paisajes de verdes montañas, acantilados y magníficas playas en Cantabria y Asturias.
- Esta región es famosa por su deliciosa gastronomía e ingredientes locales y de primera calidad: pescados y marisco fresco, quesos, verduras...
- Hemos seleccionado hoteles con encanto en lugares perfectos donde descansar, dar un paseo y salir a cenar a un restaurante cercano cada noche.
- Date un chapuzón en las maravillosas playas y calas por las que pases.
- Disfruta de uno de los pueblos más bonitos de España: la villa medieval de Santillana del Mar.
- Descubre los fantásticos pueblos costeros: Comillas, Llanes, San Vicente de la Barquera, Ribadesella y Villaviciosa. Este itinerario no tiene desperdicio.
- Sigue el Camino del Norte y comparte el ambiente con los peregrinos con los que te cruzarás.
- Santander y Gijón y sus espectaculares playas y agendas culturales te cautivarán.
Día 1: Legada a Santander
Llegada a Santander y tiempo para disfrutar explorando su maravillosa Playa de Sardinero, la península de la Magdalena, el Casino y los edificios Belle Epoque de la zona donde está tu hotel, frente al mar.Día 2: Santander a Santillana del Mar
Distancia: 50 km. Subida: 684 m.
Entrega de bicicletas y ajustes a tu fisionomía. La primera ruta ciclista comienza con la salida de Santander por carril bici y bordeando la costa para disfrutar de vistas panorámicas.
Tendrás oportunidades de bañarte en varias playas extraordinarias antes de llegar a tu destino, el pueblo Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico: Santillana del Mar.
Día 3: Santillana del Mar a San Vicente de la Barquera
Distancia: 32 km. Subida: 489 m.
La ruta de hoy es más cortita para darte tiempo para explorar Comillas a mitad de camino, con su excelente playa, buenos restaurantes y arquitectura de Gaudí.
Después, un maravilloso tramo ciclista por carril bici al lado del mar y algunas de las más bonitas playas de Catabria en el Parque Natural de Oyambre culminado por la llegada al precioso pueblo histórico de San Vicente de la Barquera. ¡Que disfrute!
Día 4: San Vicente de la Barquera a Llanes
Distancia: 48 km. Subida: 774 m.
La ruta de hoy comienza con extraordinarias vistas de acantilados, mar y montañas en la distancia. El itinerario te lleva por carreteritas entre pueblos hacia el interior por una ruta de las de ensueño.
Cerca del final del día vuelves a unirte a la costa y pasas varias calas donde parar a bañarte antes de llegar al fantástico pueblo pesquero de Llanes donde encontrarás un excelente hotel y restaurantes y terrazas entre donde elegir.
Día 5: Llanes a Ribadesella
Distancia: 36 km. Subida: 399 m.
Un día de ruta en bicicleta más corto y con menos pendientes te lleva por carreteritas deliciosas entre pueblos y playas. Te entrecruzas con el Camino del Norte a menudo hasta llegar a tu destino:
El pueblo pesquero de Ribadesella con su precioso paseo marítimo, playa y fantásticos restaurantes.
Día 6: Ribadesella to Villaviciosa
Distancia: 48 km. Subida: 792 m.
El pedaleo de hoy te lleva por zonas rurales idílicas, hacia la capital de la sidra natural asturiana. Llegando a Villaviciosa pasamos por una importante zona de protección para las aves en el Estuario.
Tendrás más oportunidades de bañarte y visitar pueblos preciosos como Lastres, otro de los pueblos más bonitos de España.
Día 7: Villaviciosa a Gijon
Distancia: 43 km. Subida: 645 m.
La última ruta en bici nos lleva por al costa hasta la ciudad de Gijon, que ha emergido desde su pasado industrial para reinventarse y convertirse en un vibrante e interesante icono cultural.
Su maravillosa playa, las calles peatonales, paseo marítimo, buenos restaurantes y ambiente hacen de esta ciudad un atractivo lugar donde acabar el viaje.
Día 8: Despedida o noches extra
¿Por qué no pasar una noche o dos más en Gijón? Consúltanos...El Viaje
Preguntas frequentes:
- ¿Como llego al punto de partida?
- Santander tiene conexiones por tren y autobús con muchas otras capitales españolas. También puedes venir en coche.
- ¿Como volver desde el punto final?
- Hay una autobús desde Gijón a Santander con mucha regularidad. Tarda tres horitas pero es un trayecto bonito.
Enlaces útiles:
Dos hoteles de playa de tres estrellas y cinco hoteles rurales de tres estrellas con personalidad y encanto.
Noche 1: Santander
Hotel moderno de tres estrellas en la mejor ubicación: frente a la playa de Sardinero y con vistas al mar y a el palacio de La Magdalena.
Noche 2: Santillana del Mar
Este hotel es toda una experiencia. Originalmente el Palacio de Valdielso data del sigly XVI. Fue reconstruido en el siglo XIX y hoy en día ha sido reformado para ofrecer un confortable hotel con ambiente histórico. Tres estrellas.
Noche 3: San Vicente de la Barquera
Hotel moderno en el centro del pueblo con vistas al castillo. A un paso del puerto pesquero, la lonja y los excelentes restaurantes especializados en pescados frescos y marisco.
Noche 4: Llanes
Encantador hotel en el centro del pueblo pesquero. Originalmente un convento en un edificio barroco del siglo XVII. Este fantástico hotel de tres estrellas tiene un estilo y servicio muy por encima de su categoría.
Noche 5: Ribadesella
Agradable y confortable hotel de tres estrella en el centro del pueblo y a un paseo de la playa, el puerto y algunos de los mejores restaurantes.
Noche 6: Villaviciosa
Hotel en plena plaza mayor de la villa. Construido sobre edificio histórico del siglo XVII. Decoracíón en estilo colonial. Trato muy agradable y estupendo servicio. Dos estrellas.
Noche 7: Gijón
Hotel moderno de tres estrellas ubicado en frente de la playa de San Lorenzo, en una zona comercial con muchos restaurantes y en el corazón de la ciudad.
Las Bicis
Bicicletas de turismoBicicletas eléctricas
Diseñadas para aguantar el transporte de equipajes en largos viajes y para dar seguridad y confort en el pedaleo. Estas bicicletas para grandes aventura están adaptadas a rodar tanto en asfalto como por caminos pedregosos.
La desventaja es el peso, pero en una travesía de larga duración, la fiabilidad, el confort y la seguridad son siempre más importantes.
- Componentes probados que permiten rutas sin mantenimiento.
- Amplitud de marchas.
- Transportín sólido para llevar peso de batería y alforjas.
- Luces con conexión eléctrica y dinamo rueda frontal.
- Otras características de confort: pata de cabra, guardabarros, porta bidones.
- Opción barra alta y barra baja y tallas xs a XL.
Equipamiento entregado:
- Cuentakilómetros
- Alforja trasera
- Porta mapas
- Casco
- Porta bidones
- Candado
- Bomba
- Kit de reparación pinchazo
- Herramientás básicas
Bicicletas de turismoBicicletas eléctricas
No todas las bicicletas eléctricas son adecuadas para el cicloturismo. La mayoría de las e-bikes están diseñadas para el uso urbano y no itinerarios de larga distancia.
Nuestra experiencia nos ha hecho decantarnos por e-bikes con estas características: fiabilidad, facilidad de uso, batería de larga duración y recarga rápida.
- Componentes probados que permiten rutas sin mantenimiento.
- Amplitud de marchas.
- Transportín sólido para llevar peso de batería y alforjas.
- Luces con conexión eléctrica y dinamo rueda frontal.
- Otras características de confort: pata de cabra, guardabarros, porta bidones.
- Opción barra alta y barra baja y tallas xs a XL.
Equipamiento entregado:
- Cuentakilómetros
- Alforja trasera
- Porta mapas
- Casco
- Porta bidones
- Candado
- Bomba
- Kit de reparación pinchazo
- Herramientas básicas
Abril-Junio, mitad Sep-Oct.
Por persona en habitación doble1,032 €
Esto incluye:
- 7 noches de hotel. 7 desayunos.
- Traslado de equipajes entre hoteles.
- Mapas detallados con el camino bien marcado.
- Descripción del itinerario, con recomendaciones sobre cosas que hacer y visitar, consejos e información sobre cada alojamiento, etc.
- Apoyo de emergencia.
- Seguro de actividad.
Suplemento habitación individual237 €
Suplemento viajero solitario501 €
Julio - mitad Sept.
Por persona en habitación doble1,328 €
Suplemento habitación individual308 €
Suplemento viajero solitario572 €
Alquiler bicicleta110 €
Alquiler E-bike180 €
Tandem adultos180 €
Alquiler GPS (uno por grupo)30 €
Otras opciones:(Precio sobre demanda)
Noche(s) extra en Santander
Noche(s) extra en Gijón
Si te interesa, ponte en contacto y dinos tus planes, requerimientos y preguntas.
- I can't believe more people don't come here.
It was spectacular. I can't believe more people don't come here. The scenery was jaw-dropping and there was so much cultural richness.
Away From the Crowds accommodated us with a tandem which really helped navigation and made it possible for us to talk and point things out. The panniers were great.
The hotels were really nice and the routes were wisely selected.
When our chain broke in the middle of nowhere, the company came to our aid within 20 minutes.
When our gears needed a quick tune-up they talked directly to a local bike shop and paid for everything.
Can't recommend this outfit enough.
Sarena Neyman. USA.
- We adored the quiet roads and the flower-covered meadows
We loved every town and city we stayed in and found the countryside beautiful - both the mountains to our left and the coast to our right.
The grade of cycling suited us too - each day was a good length and challenging enough for regular cyclists like us (we even found a couple of the ascents very steep - and we're used to lots and lots of steep hills where we live!).
The standard of accommodation was very high - we particularly liked the hotels at Llanes, Santillana de Mar and Ribadesella (although all were good).
The beaches were beautiful and - although we didn't stop to swim in all of them - we did bathe at Playa Ballota near Llanes (the cycle back up from the beach to the road is tough!) and Santander.
We adored the quiet roads and the flower-covered meadows and there were some great lunch stops overlooking the coast. We really liked the flexibility that the self-guided aspect of the holiday afforded us - as long as we had our stuff packed and ready for the taxi driver, we were able to plan the day as we wanted from then on.
Being able to eat late in the evening suited us well and we found the food available was both reasonably priced and varied. The towns where we stayed at were very well-chosen and were interesting to look around in the evening and before setting out in the morning.
Villaviciosa was a town that didn't look interesting initially but was spotlessly clean and had a lovely old quarter - as well as a walk out of the town up a extremely steep hill giving great views back down to the town (as well as the best cafe of the whole trip! (Pasterelia Viena, Calle Victoria Garcia de la Concha)).
Ribadesella also had a good walk up to the top of a nearby hill to look down across the estuary. Looking back over the photos I've not covered half of what we saw and enjoyed along the way.
We'd definitely visit and cycle the in the area again. I'm already looking at the other holidays you have on your website for next year.
As mentioned above the steepness of some of the ascents could be difficult for the occasional cyclist as could the more technical off-road parts - although we loved how challenging the cycling was.
Simon and Sharon Wilkins. UK.
- places we would never have found
We love the scenery; people; food; weather; the route was amazing.
My tag line for this company is: Away from the Crowds and "off the beaten path".
We saw and cycled places we would never have found on our own. The only issue was that we wanted more time every place we went...
Can't wait to do another trip!
Laurie Wood, USA.
- very good bikes and equipment
We have finished our tour and just want to share some impressions.
First the basics: amazing weather, very good bikes and equipment and personal introduction, well picked hotels.
Second the tour itself: perfect routing and route description, gourgeous mix of landscapes, views and roads as well as a good balance of workout and relaxation.
Thanks for all your efforts! We will surely recommend you to family and friends. 👌🤓
Cheers & Greetings from Gijon,
Ilona & Manfred, Germany.
- country lanes through the farms and small villages - this was the highlight
The tour was great.
The bikes were good - the electric bike was fantastic and I did not have to summon my inner Contador to do the hills which was great because a few of them were very steep.
The GPS maps were excellent and worked really well.
Communication with Vanessa and Jaime was great, Vanessa helped us out with bike issues and was really prompt and nice.
The terrain was good - the best being the country lanes through the farms and small villages - this was the highlight. Some of the Camino trails were rough and worse was the walkers who decided they needed to walk 3 abreast across the track and not let riders through easily. The roads were OK, the Spanish drivers are very considerate of bike riders!
Hotels were good, clean and the hosts were all lovely. Hotel Chiqui was impersonal but the others were really nice. Our favourite hotel was Don Paco, the best breakfast was in Hotel Jardín. The towns were lovely, all different and we really liked Gijon and were glad we booked another night there. The bike ride down into Gijon was excellent.
So all in all, aside from the first ride day being so wet and unable to do it, I think it went very well and it was a great experience and we loved the north coast of Spain. Would definitely recommend for fit riders and go the electric bike for everyone else. After the first day the weather was warm and it was a great experience.
The ride was the highlight of our 5 week trip.
Yes we did drink lots of Sidra!! And eat lots of Pintxos too.
Thank you
Marisa and Jim Drewe, Australia.
- A mix of lovely quiet back roads through stunning scenery and some bigger roads, necessary for visiting the bigger towns and cities.
We have taken three self guided cycling trips with Away from the Crowds over the past several years.
We have always found the communication and service from Jaime and the team to be excellent. The self-guided cycling trips also offer good value for money in comparison with some of the bigger adventure travel companies. Even better with 10% discount for returning customers.
Our most recent trip was the Green Coast cycling trip in October 2022. We have also done the Sevilla to Cadiz and Extremadura Paradors Trips - also in October.
We were a little concerned with the Green Coast climate being described as 'more British', but wanted to try somewhere different to the, more traditionally Spanish, hot and arid south we'd seen previously. We needn't have worried, the weather was still very warm in October, in the 20s with very mild nights too - so yes it rains more than the south and east of Spain, but is really not like the UK in October!
All three of the holidays we have done have been very well planned in terms of routes. A mix of lovely quiet back roads through stunning scenery and some bigger roads, necessary for visiting the bigger towns and cities.
The hotels have been very good and well picked. The Sevilla to Cadiz and Extremadura Paradors Trips offered really top notch hotels, the Spanish Paradors are something to behold, amazing, along with some idyllic rural retreats. The Green Coast accommodation was notably less luxurious but this is reflected in the price of the holiday - still perfectly fine.
For the routes - all three are excellent, the south offers more contrast to the UK and is more traditionally 'Spanish' in terms of scenery. The Green Coast is absolutely stunning in a green and mountainous way, with a lovely haze over the mountains. It almost felt sub tropical at times.
Other things to note:
A little Spanish goes a long way on these trips so do make the effort to learn some - it's not a given that everyone will speak English.
Due to Spain's (frankly quite odd) time zone, the evenings in October are still quite light too, which is nice. Meal times are matched to daylight hours - much later than in the UK. Don't be surprised to find no restaurants open at midday and to be sat on your own if you eat dinner before 9PM!
You need to be pretty fit to enjoy all three holidays mentioned without an ebike. The miles and hills start to add up after several days.
We had another great trip thank you.
Best regards,
Guy and Kate Thompson, UK
- we had an absolutely wonderful time
My wife and I did the green coast ride in September 2019, we had an absolutely wonderful time. The route chosen by Away From the Crowds is brilliant and they were very organised both before we started riding as well as during the ride.
We were sent all the required information well before we started riding, which was very detailed and covered all we wanted to know.
Their support during the ride was great and just a phone call away.
We chose to take the ‘standard’ bikes (as opposed to the electric bike option). Though the bikes were not top of the range (which is unrealistic to expect) the bikes were appropriate and in good condition. It’s worth noting, however, if you do choose to take the non-electric bike option, you will need to be relatively bike fit. As 6 days of continuous riding over some scenic but hilly routes will take its toll.
We will happily use Away From the Crowds again and expect you’ll enjoy this ride as well.
Raphael Ozrath and Rita Sully, Australia.
- The coastal views were fantastic
What an adventurous week of biking we had cycling the green coast. It truly was amazing as we cycled thru small villages, met some locals, we were challenged with a flat tire, major hills, had some fabulous meals and just one day with a heavy rain for about 15 mins.
The coastal views were fantastic as were some of the off road tracks, a few were a bit steep. Of course we loved the downhills!
Tom was our leader w the osm map and after a few days he was able to be more proficient.
All in all it was a great adventure, good restaurant recommendations too.
Thanks for all your help with planning our trip.
Celie and Tom, Texas USA
Compensación de huella de CO₂
Estas vacaciones producen una huella de carbono de 0,4269 toneladas de CO₂. Esto es la suma del impacto de transfers en coche, movimiento de maletas y alojamientos por cada viajero.
Nuestro compromiso es compensar la huella de CO₂ de cada reserva a través de proyectos de reforestación de bosques tropicales en colaboración con la plataforma CeroCO₂.
Si quieres compensar las emisiones producidas por tu desplazamiento al punto de partida y vuelta a casa te invitamos a que lo hagas en myclimate. Abajo verás un enlace.