Extremadura en bicicleta. De Parador a Parador
Un fantástico viaje en bicicleta explorando los paisajes de Extremadura, con un toque de clase: cinco noches en Paradores Nacionales.
Desde 1,084 € por persona
Detalles ...
Dura:6 noches, 7 días
Fechas:Marzo a 31 Junio | Sept. a 30 Nov.
Empieza:Cualquier día
Distancias más largas y terreno montañoso, con tal vez cuatro ascensos por día.
Superficie:Carreteritas: 99%. Carril Bici: 1%.
Promedio diario distancia / subida:56 km / 675 m.
Itinerario autoguiado de Parador a Parador, visitando Oropesa, Jarandilla de la Vera, Plasencia, Monfragüe, Trujillo y Cáceres. Rutas ciclistas por carreteritas secundarias, paisajes fantásticos y Parques Naturales.
- Extremadura es una región de España llena de naturaleza y grandes espacios. Sus ciudades reflejan la historia de los Conquistadores que trajeron riqueza a sus lugares de origen: Pizarro, Hernán Cortés...
- Las rutas cicloturísticas te llevarán entre terrazas de olivos y cerezos en la Vera de la Sierra de Gredos y grandes dehesas de encinas bajo las que encontraremos cerdos ibéricos gruyas alimentándose de bellotas.
- Cruzarás de punta a punta el Parque Nacional de Monfragüe, un lugar donde la naturaleza es protagonista.
- España vaciada, lejos del turismo masivo.
- Visita la ciudad de Cáceres, Patrimonio de la Humanidad y otras ciudades históricas de extraordinaria belleza como Trujillo y Plasencia.
- Cada estancia en un Parador distinto será una experiencia a recordar.
Día 1: Llegada a Oropesa
Merece la pena dedicar unas horas a explorar su espectacular castillo (Parador) y centro histórico. Y a disfrutar del primer espectacular Parador.Día 2: Oropesa a Jarandilla de la Vera
Distancia: 67 km. Subida: 821 m.
Entrega de la bicicleta y ajustes a tu fisionomía. La primera ruta transcurre en un paisaje típicamente mediterráneo en la ladera Sur de la Sierra de Gredos. La Vera de la Sierra es una zona con un microclima fantástico y mucha agua lo que hace que sea rica en huerta y frutales. Tu destino será el pueblo histórico Jarandilla de la Vera donde disfrutarás del segundo Parador de Turismo.Día 3: Jarandilla de la Vera a Plasencia
Distancia: 67 km. Subida: 880 m.
La ruta cicloturista de hoy te lleva por caminos sinuosos sin tráfico pasando por el espectacular Monasterio de Yuste, del siglo XVI, bosques de robles en la falda de la montaña y pequeños pueblos de la sierra hasta descender siguiendo el rio Jerte hasta la histórica ciudad amurallada de Plasencia.Día 4: Plasencia a Monfragüe National Park
Distancia: 41 km. Subida: 478 m.
Hoy el itinerario vira hacia el Sur en busca del Río Tajo y el Parque Nacional de Monfragüe. El paisaje está inicialmente protagonizado por la dehesa de encina y alcornoque, un hábitat de fantástica riqueza ecológica. Pero una vez en el Parque Nacional entramos en una zona de incluso mayor concentración de fauna salvaje donde se acumulan una gran variedad de especies en peligro de extinción que atraen a amantes de la naturaleza de todo el mundo.Día 5: Monfragüe a Trujillo
Distancia: 48 km. Subida: 669 m.
Dejarás Monfragüe atrás para adentrarte en la inmensa dehesa extremeña por carreteras secundarias y disfrutar del pedaleo en paz y tranquilidad. El punto final de la ruta de hoy es la extraordinaria ciudad monumental de Trujillo donde te espera otro fantástico Parador Nacional. La Plaza de Trujillo es sin duda una de las más bonitas de España.Día 6: Trujillo a Caceres
Distancia: 55 km. Subida: 525 m.
La última ruta cicloturísta nos lleva a explorar más paisajes preciosos, pequeños pueblos extremeños y finalmente nos lleva hasta nuestro destino final: Cáceres, ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Su monumental centro histórico refleja la variedad de culturas que la han moldeado: Roma, Islam, Visigodos y el Renacimiento Italiano. Disfrutarás de una última estancia en otro maravilloso Parador en el corazón de la ciudad.Día 7: Despedida o noches extra
Cáceres tiene tanto que ver que quizás sea una buena idea pasar una noche más en el Parador para no quedarte con las ganas. Consúltanos.El Viaje
Preguntas frequentes:
- ¿Como llegar al punto de inicio?
- En tren desde Madrid a Oropesa (1hr 45min). También puedes ir en coche...
- ¿Como volver desde el punto final?
- Hay trenes desde Cáceres a Madrid Atocha (3hrs 30min). Si dejaste tu coche en Oropesa, el mismo tren desde Cáceres, para en Oropesa.
Enlaces útiles:
Cinco noches en Paradores de cuatro estrella y una noche en maravilloso Hotel Rural en pleno Parque Nacional de Monfragüe.
Los Paradores son hoteles de alta calidad y servicio exquisito que ofertan la mejor gastronomía tradicional en sus restaurantes. Están ubicados en edificios históricos protegidos como Palacios, Monasterios y Castillos. Todos, menos uno tiene piscina al aire libre.
Noche 1: Oropesa
Este parador está ubicado en un Castillo y Palacio del Siglo XV, restaurado cuidadosamente. Era propiedad de la familia Álvarez de Toledo, condes de Oropesa.
El valor histórico de la torre, adyacente al Parador, las columnas del patio interior y la piscina con espectaculares vistas de la Sierra de Guadarrama, haced de este un singular hotel donde pasar la noche.
Noche 2: Jarandilla de la Vera
Este Parador ha sido renovado cuidadosamente. Es un espectacular palacio-castillo que data del siglo XIV. Su ubicación geográfica entre los valles de los ríos Tiétar y Vera, entre bosques de robles y castaños lo hacen un lugar fantástico para explorar la zona.
Durante meses fue la residencia del emperador Carlos V quien se retiró para apartarse el mundo a este lugar tan especial. En el exterior, las torres, patio y su excelente piscina contrastan con los olivos y naranjos que lo rodean. En el interior ofrece un ambiente relajado e intimo.
Noche 3: Plasencia
Este Parador es un impresionante edificio histórico en el corazón del centro de la ciudad monumental. Originalmente fue el convento de Santo Domingo, fundado por la familia Zúñiga en el siglo XV. Predomina el estilo Gótico tanto en su interior como exterior. Una maravilla de lugar donde hospedarse.
El Parador está localizado en un lugar perfecto para explorar las calles de Plasencia. Merece la pena dedicarle tiempo a perderse por el centro histórico y conocer un poquito esta singular ciudad.
Noche 4: Torrejon el Rubio
Caserío de más de dos siglos de antigüedad que es hoy una casa rural con mucho encanto representativa del campo extremeño. Ubicado en pleno Parque Nacional, en una finca de 600 hectáreas, entre alcornoques y encinas, cerdo ibérico y venados es un destino singular e inigualable para disfrutar de la paz y de la naturaleza en estado puro.
Los elementos decorativos, restaurados y combinados con esmero dan a cada habitación una personalidad distinta. Todas gozan de bellas vistas sobre la finca y de esas vistas provienen sus nombres y su decoración.
Noche 5: Trujillo
Ubicado en le centro de la preciosa ciudad de Trujillo, este Parador fue el convento de Santa Clara, que data del siglo XVI. En su interior hay dos maravillosos claustros del renacimiento.
El hotel dispone de amplios y cómodos salones y habitaciones distinguidas con muebles clásicos. Uno de sus espacios más impresionantes es el comedor, la antigua capilla.
Noche 6: Cáceres
El parador de Cáceres representa la armoniosa unión de dos palacios que datan del siglo XIV. El interior de los edificios ofrece hoy elegancia, calidad y confort en una estructura histórica adaptada a las necesidades modernas.
El hotel está ubicado en el centro de la Ciudad. Un lugar ideal desde el que explorar esta ciudad protegida por la UNESCO.
Las Bicis
Bicicletas de turismoBicicletas eléctricas
Diseñadas para aguantar el transporte de equipajes en largos viajes y para dar seguridad y confort en el pedaleo. Estas bicicletas para grandes aventura están adaptadas a rodar tanto en asfalto como por caminos pedregosos.
La desventaja es el peso, pero en una travesía de larga duración, la fiabilidad, el confort y la seguridad son siempre más importantes.
- Componentes probados que permiten rutas sin mantenimiento.
- Amplitud de marchas.
- Transportín sólido para llevar peso de batería y alforjas.
- Luces con conexión eléctrica y dinamo rueda frontal.
- Otras características de confort: pata de cabra, guardabarros, porta bidones.
- Opción barra alta y barra baja y tallas xs a XL.
Equipamiento entregado:
- Cuentakilómetros
- Alforja trasera
- Porta mapas
- Casco
- Porta bidones
- Candado
- Bomba
- Kit de reparación pinchazo
- Herramientás básicas
Bicicletas de turismoBicicletas eléctricas
No todas las bicicletas eléctricas son adecuadas para el cicloturismo. La mayoría de las e-bikes están diseñadas para el uso urbano y no itinerarios de larga distancia.
Nuestra experiencia nos ha hecho decantarnos por e-bikes con estas características: fiabilidad, facilidad de uso, batería de larga duración y recarga rápida.
- Componentes probados que permiten rutas sin mantenimiento.
- Amplitud de marchas.
- Transportín sólido para llevar peso de batería y alforjas.
- Luces con conexión eléctrica y dinamo rueda frontal.
- Otras características de confort: pata de cabra, guardabarros, porta bidones.
- Opción barra alta y barra baja y tallas xs a XL.
Equipamiento entregado:
- Cuentakilómetros
- Alforja trasera
- Porta mapas
- Casco
- Porta bidones
- Candado
- Bomba
- Kit de reparación pinchazo
- Herramientas básicas
Precio básico:
Por persona en habitación doble1,084 €
Esto incluye:
- 6 noches de hotel. 6 desayunos.
- Traslado de equipajes entre hoteles.
- Mapas detallados con el camino bien marcado.
- Descripción del itinerario, con recomendaciones sobre cosas que hacer y visitar, consejos e información sobre cada alojamiento, etc.
- Apoyo de emergencia.
- Seguro de actividad.
Suplemento habitación individual257 €
Suplemento viajero solitario523 €
Alquiler bicicleta100 €
Alquiler E-bike180 €
Otras opciones:(Precio sobre demanda)
Noche(s) extra en Caceres
Upgrade a Habitaciones Superiores en paradores
Media Pensión (cenas)
Si te interesa, ponte en contacto y dinos tus planes, requerimientos y preguntas.
- a perfect combination of cycling, exploring and relaxing.
We had a wonderful time. The paradores were fabulous places, your maps and info pack excellent, the bikes were great and your back up team very good and friendly. So all was perfect.
We did cut down on some of the distances for several reasons. It would have been a pity to spend all day in the saddle and not have the time for a relaxing afternoon exploring the towns we stayed in, have a swim etc.
We managed to do all that so had a perfect combination of cycling, exploring and relaxing.
The first day was quite difficult for us though as I had anticipated. Although we were taken for 20 km, by the time we had sorted out the bikes etc. it was 10 o’clock, far too late for a hot day. We got to the next parador at 3.30 pm having to have so many stops in the afternoon to try and cool down.
But all in all we had a fantastic time and enjoyed it very much. So thank you for organizing such a wonderful trip. Will be looking at your website again, maybe try something else another time.
Thanks again.
Kind regards,
Inge Bratley, Cornwall, UK
- stunning
We thoroughly enjoyed the ride and were quite happy to do our own thing.
The extremaduran countryside is beautiful and the Semana Santa processions were impressive.
All the Paradors were stunning.
Theresa Khairallah, USA.
- spectacular
From the minute that we were picked up at Madrid airport by Guzman, to the morning that we checked out of the Caceres Parador, everything was organised for us, and all we had to do was pedal!
Harry was also very helpful when he handed over the bikes and equipment at Oropesa. He also seemed to be impressed with the pace of two 'more mature' cyclists!
We will definitely recommend your services to our friends, family and colleagues. I will also be posting very complimentary reviews on Facebook and trip advisor. We will also be in contact soon to organise future trips with away from the crowds.
I must compliment you on the quality of the maps, road book, hotels, restaurant/cafe recommendations, bike quality and hotel choices. You should be very proud of the excellent business you manage.
As for the routes, the national park was one of the most spectacular places we have ever visited, and we have been to many places around the world.
Ged Bell, Scotland.
- We loved Extremadura
Our overall impression was excellent, as everything was very well organised: our bags arrived safely and promptly everyday; the hotels were expecting us and accommodated our bikes, gear etc. and the maps and bikes were of a high standard.
We loved Extremadura, the history, the landscape and the food all contributed to a memorable holiday.
Antonia Lanigan. Ireland.
- impeccable
The organisation of the tour was fantastic, flawless and gave us total ease of mind. The pre-holiday instructions were really clear so getting to the starting point was no hassle at all.
All our hotels were all aware of our trip and took care of bicycle parking and helped with luggage transfers. Each day our luggage was successfully transferred to the next location without any hassle or glitches.
On one of the days it rained persistently that we felt uncomfortable to cycle that day and Away from the Crowds so kindly arranged for us to be transferred by taxi to the next destination.
The cycle tour daily itinerary instructions were impeccable, they were so detailed and very simple to understand. We didn't have any troubles navigating from Parador to Parador.
The hybrid bicycles we hired were great, although we had a chain break they were able to organise a mechanic to fix the bike to get us moving again.
The holiday, the route and the idea is exceptional! Cycling from town to town, visiting various Paradors and the beautiful old towns they're in was truly an unforgettable experience.
We had such a great time... we highly recommend this tour and Away from the Crowds as a great tour operator!
ChiChi Wang, UK.
- attention to detail
We can not thank Jaime and Agustín enough for suggesting and making various arrangements to ensure we comfortably continued quickly onto Madrid.
Throughout our trip, the attention to detail on the maps, scenic cycling and the comfort of the paradores was excellent, gracias!
Diane ans Tim Morris. Australia.
- I loved it, even the hard bits
Overall we thoroughly enjoyed the holiday – in fact I loved it, even the hard bits. We were incredibly lucky with the weather.
All the Paradors were excellent. The directions were mostly good and the bikes were fine.
Some feedback which I hope will be constructive: there was one night where we didn't eat at the Parador. If I had known this was likely I would have been able to tell you in advance what my dietary requirements are – I am a vegetarian plus I don’t eat eggs and this did cause a problem.
Some of the directions weren't entirely clear and some of the distances were incorrect e.g. on day 2 we had to retrace our steps because we had overshot the turning by a couple of miles and this was uphill.
However an anecdote from the same day: We had just finished the detour in the national park; Neil had arrived at the top of a hill and was waiting for me. We stopped to catch our breath and a farmer called over and introduced himself. He said his name was Michael.
I think he was quite impressed about where we had come from and where we were going to. He invited us to fill up our water bottles, and to help ourselves to cherries and lemons from his orchards!
I would love to go on a similar holiday again some day.
Julia and Neil Edmunds, UK.
Thanks for the feedback Julia. Since then, we've carried out a full revision of the route and corrected errors.
Love the anecdote about the local farmer, although I doubt his name was really Michael!
Jaime, AFTC.
- We decided to have an extra night in Monfrague
We chose “Away from the Crowds” because they were a local company and were very knowledgeable about the areas.
We have thought about doing the cycling parador trip for a number of years but work commitments have made this impossible until this year.
We thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. Everything was arranged perfectly and all seemed to flow well from our side.
Each days cycle routes allowed us to stop and explore villages, buildings, waterfalls, do some birdwatching etc and still arrive at our next parador by 3.30pm.
The bikes were great-very comfortable and all measured perfectly to our heights.
The routes were a good mixture of challenging sections and easier sections. All in very scenic areas. We loved seeing the changes in the landscapes as we progressed.
Although most of the cycling was on roads, on the whole they were very good and quiet. Even when there was traffic, the drivers are all very courteous to cyclists.
The maps and cycle guide were all very clear and easy to follow.
There was only one bit where the instructions were slightly awkward. This was in Malpartida de Plasencia. Neither of the two marked traffic lights existed and the sign at Calle Caceres was very faint and hidden. We had a little bit of detour into town then doubling back to find the road.
We decided to have an extra night in Monfrague to allow us to explore and birdwatch on the second day. The Palacio Viejo de Corchuelas was a perfect destination and Carmen was a great host. We ordered a picnic lunch between us for our hike. This was beautifully presented and very tasty.
We also had booked an extra night at Trujillo parador so that we could do the extra day circular cycle into the rural area. This was a god option and we enjoyed stopping to watch the many birds and scenery. We also ordered the 20 eurospicnic lunch to share from the parador. This again was extremely well packaged and presented and loads of it.
Each parador was interesting and all very different. We loved the fact we did the hard work during the day and could relax and have some luxury at night.
We had decided that we would eat in the restaurants in the Pardors in the evenings as this was part of our trip. The food was all excellent and lots of local produce and recipes.
To get to Oropesa we got the train from Madrid- very comfortable and efficient.
We extended our stay after arriving in Caceres - we had booked an apartment in the medieval city for a few nights then booked the bus to get back to Madrid. The times of this suited better than the early train departure and took about the same time. Again this worked out really well. Our extra stay in Caceres by coincidence overlapped with the WOMAD festival, which added another dimension to our trip.
We would not hesitate to use Away from the Crowds again for another trip to Spain. As the areas we were in were rural often there was not much English spoken. In anticipation we had gone for Spanish lessons and it was good to be able to converse in Spanish whenever possible. Most people were patient with our efforts to be understood.
Shiona and Bill Scott, UK.
- The landscapes - are not as "wild" as we expected
We had a lovely trip, thank you. Right now we are resting in Madrid.Some concrete feedback:
The itinerary, which we got in print, was really good! Very detailed and included the places where we were NOT supposed to turn but might have had doubts.
There is not much car traffic on the route and it is true that Spanish drivers are considerate and keep a good distance, so it is very safe.
The hotels are nice and with good service.
One night we were not at the Parador. It was actually the place we liked the most. A unique experience with Carmen at her finca.
The landscapes, except for one day's route, are not as "wild" as we expected. It's not wild nature, but rather low-intensity agricultural areas you drive through. But beautiful, and the towns are very interesting.
In the hotels they speak English, but otherwise not, so it's an advantage to know a little Spanish. If you only know five words, you will use them many times :-).
Thanks for a great trip.
Per and Britta Linthoe, Denmark.
- Every Parador had its own unique impressive character
Our rudimentary Spanish was useful as English was not widely spoken outside the Paradors. The local people were cheerful and friendly.
We hired e-bikes which performed very well, and the battery capacity was always more than sufficient. Augustín arranged a WhatsApp connection so that we would have been able to contact him easily had we needed advice or help.
We didn't use GPS. The route notes were fine until the last couple of kms into Cáceres; we had difficulty identifying the route from the ring road into the old town (but Google Maps and then signs to the Parador got us there).
Much of the route is on fairly main roads, but it would be impractical to cover the distances without using these, and it was easy to safely stop to admire the spectacular scenery. Even the larger roads had mostly only light traffic, and the road vehicles were respectful of cyclists.
Comfortable beds and peaceful sleep throughout. Every Parador had its own unique impressive character, and we were glad that our overnight in Monfragüe was at the Finca Palacio Viejo; its location deep in the National Park gave us a dark sky view of the Milky Way, and Carmen's hospitality was excellent.
Iain Noble, UK
- The Paradors were excellent
We are now back in Norway after some days in Madrid after the the week on bikes. Guri-Lise came to Madrid and met us there and of course she was very disappointed and sorry that she could not participate on the biking tour, especially when she heard how great the tour had been.
We had some fantastic days with a lot of marvelous experiences. The Paradors were excellent and we were a little skeptical when we should stay at Palacio Viejo De Las Corchuelas which was really situated «Away from the crowd» but we were so positively surprised. The stay there was perhaps the best of all. The hostess was fantastic and we had a perfect dinner outside with a beautiful sunset. Really something we will remember.
I have been to several Paradores before, but several of the participants had never stayed at a Parador and they were really impressed. Guri-Lise is already lokking for possibilities to take the same tour in the near future and all of us will be good ambassador for the trip. #p Best regards
John Hosteland, Norway
- Die Radtour ist sehr zu empfehlen, denn sie führt in eine unbekanntere Gegend Spaniens und ist wirklich super schön.
Hallo Jaime, hier kommt unser Bericht zur Tour durch die Extremadura.
Die Radtour ist sehr zu empfehlen, denn sie führt in eine unbekanntere Gegend Spaniens und ist wirklich super schön.
Die Strecken sind ohne Motor teilweise anstrengend zu radeln, an einem Tag waren es sogar mehr als 900 Höhenmeter, aber es ist jede Mühe wert.
Die Natur war in der 2. Aprilhälfte fantastisch grün und blühend, die Paradores und die Übernachtung bei Carmen im Monfrague NP waren jede für sich ein Erlebnis. Wann kann man schon mal in so alten Gemäuern so „fürstlich“ übernachten?!
Vor allem waren auch die Leute sehr freundlich und entspannt, einschließlich des Personals in den Hotels. Wir sind mit dem Zug von Madrid nach Oropesa gereist, es hat einwandfrei funktioniert.
Die Reiseunterlagen haben gute Hinweise gegeben, unsere Mietfahrräder haben super gepasst und waren gut gepflegt und das Gepäck war bei unserer Ankunft immer schon auf dem Zimmer.
Da es an einem Tag wirklich stark regnete und das auch noch bei unter 10 Grad Außentemperatur, mussten wir gemeinsam mit dem Gepäck zur nächsten Unterkunft reisen. Das war zwar schade, aber es wurde super organisiert und hat zum Glück sehr gut geklappt. Das schöne Wetter zum Schluss bleibt sicher in bester Erinnerung.
Wir haben jeden Abstecher mitgenommen, Monasterio de Yuste z.B lohnt wirklich auch den Besuch, und diese Reise sehr genossen. #pVielen Dank dafür und vielleicht kommen wir bald wieder und radeln im Rioja… #pAlles Gute und bis zum nächsten Mal #pVolker und Katrin, Germany
- staying at the farm in Monfrague park was extra special.
We really had a lovely trip. The paradores are wonderful as I’m sure you know and staying at the farm in Monfrague park was extra special. Carmen was so welcoming, the food was delicious and it was very comfortable.
We did get off track a couple of times but it was not a big thing it was became we were not looking close enough at the map- your tour book is really good. The bikes are definitely heavy but they stand up well for all the riding.
Mary Hall, USA
- your communication & support to enable this holiday to happen, was outstanding
Thank you for your email that was sent to Michael….
We had a really lovely holiday…..we thoroughly enjoyed the hotels, all different & offered their own individuality, from 1st & last night to the more personalised ones in between.
Bikes & bike service when having them dropped off on the Saturday pm was excellent
The transportation of the luggage was excellent & it was a welcome site on arrival at each new destination, to see it waiting for us!
Not sure we did not see the luggage driver, as we got a most cheerful & engaging wave en route one day from a driver!!
Maps & our phone for some support meant we had no route errors Weather was lovely & we enjoyed the varying terrain, scenery, villages, towns and cities….we thoroughly enjoyed the via verde route & feel for us, that we do enjoy more of this type of cycling & less of road cycling….we would certainly keep this in mind for future holidays.
Overall & especially given such a difficult few years over covid, your communication & support to enable this holiday to happen, was outstanding - thank you so much
We look forward to hopefully booking a future holiday with you again #pBest wishes & kind regards meantime #pMichael & Jill Kyle, UK
- being the crazy pensioners that we are it made us more determined to complete each day on the bikes.
We have now been back home for a week and have recovered from our experience of cycling in Extremadura. As always, a brilliant holiday but this time the extra challenge of cycling in ridiculous temperatures of 40+. #pJaime very kindly emailed me and offered to arrange for a taxi to take us to the next hotel if we found the going hard on any day. But being the crazy pensioners that we are it made us more determined to complete each day on the bikes. I could not have done it without the E-bikes especially the first 2 days.
After that we tried to leave the hotel each day at 9 so that we arrived at our destination by 2pm.
Overall, another brilliant cycling trip. Brendan got to see places that he read about when he was a little boy and the statue of Pizarro in Trujillo was something he had wanted to see for years.
The accommodation was excellent and the routes were goodThe only negative about the holiday was the excessive heat which obviously cannot be controlled by you.So, roll on next year when we hope to enjoy another cycling holiday and we'll even chance going in June again.
Many thanks to all the team who make these holidays possible. We have now done 6 of your tours and look forward to doing more even though next year Brendan will be 80!!!!!
Regards #pPam and Brendan Stuart, UK living in Spain.
- the high standard of your organisation and the attention to detail is much appreciated
We had a fantastic cycle trip!
We’d very much like to thank you and all your team for the professional and friendly service we’ve received throughout. Right from the start the communication was excellent and inspired total confidence in your organisation.
Everything happened as described. When we arrived Augustin was reliable and very helpful with the bikes and our ongoing travel arrangements. We particularly appreciated the paper maps and the booklet (road book) which gave us invaluable information about the route, terrain, local history, swimming spots and tips on cafés bars and restaurants en route. It’s also a good souvenir to keep to remind us of our trip.
One place we might add was a nice restaurant we stopped at - just off the route on day 3 (Jarandilla to Plasencia). Not having a picnic we went into Arroymolinos and had a great lunch at Bar El Tozón which we’d recommend (maybe adding a few extra kilometres uphill).
The OSM app was useful as back up but we were so glad to have the paper maps as well, which were very clear.
We’re actually doing another self guided cycling trip in Andalucía at the moment with a different company (as Senderos y Pueblos didn’t cover this particular area). It’s very clear that your company is far superior in all ways. The only information we’ve been given about this 7 day trip is a GPS app with just the route marked.
So, many thanks again for everything- the high standard of your organisation and the attention to detail is much appreciated. We’d definitely recommend you to anyone considering cycling in Spain. Hopefully we’ll be back!
Best wishes
Stephanie and Jim, UK
Compensación de huella de CO₂
Estas vacaciones producen una huella de carbono de 0,6326 toneladas de CO₂. Esto es la suma del impacto de transfers en coche, movimiento de maletas y alojamientos por cada viajero.
Nuestro compromiso es compensar la huella de CO₂ de cada reserva a través de proyectos de reforestación de bosques tropicales en colaboración con la plataforma CeroCO₂.
Si quieres compensar las emisiones producidas por tu desplazamiento al punto de partida y vuelta a casa te invitamos a que lo hagas en myclimate. Abajo verás un enlace.